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About Department of International Business

Department of International Business (IB) is one of the eight departments of the Faculty of Business Studies (FBS) of the University of Dhaka. Established in 2007, this department is now a full operational academic unit. It is the first academic department in any university of Bangladesh to offer specialized undergraduate and postgraduate education in international business. It is committed to provide opportunities to students to develop a career in any facet of contemporary business world with an understanding of the diverse and complicated global issues. The Department of International Business is carrying out the responsibility of creating skilled human resource for international business equipped with strong analytical and decision-making abilities.

The department is multidisciplinary in nature and courses integrate key principles of business practice with the impact created by different cultures, languages, political structures, and economies. Highly qualified and experienced faculty members and renowned representatives from the private sectors teach courses in the department. The undergraduate major in international business culminates in a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. Students interested in a post-graduate degree in international business may undertake either a regular full-time Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program and Evening Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) in this department. It also offers Masters of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree for students interested in academic research. Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)- an specialized research program-has recently been introduced at the department for the professionals.Center for Policy Research on Business and Development (CPRBD), a non-profit multidisciplinary research and development organization of the department was established in 2013.

The center strikes out a refreshingly new breadth of vision that lays emphasis on, beyond undertaking research works, seminars, workshops, training and consultancy, the synergy of implementation and feedback system through policy dialogues, advocacy, awareness building, participation based decision making and corrective measures. The center will act as a catalyst where different national and global stakeholders on business and economic issues will discuss, debate, and share international best practices towards making Bangladesh a choice for trade and investment decision of the investors.

There are 18 teachers and about 1100 students in the department. All classrooms of the department have modern audio-visual equipment for effective teaching. Students can use online library facility of the University of Dhaka through department’s own computer lab. There are printing, scanning and internet facilities in the computer lab for study and research of students.

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Contact Address

MBA (Evening) Program
Department of International Business (IB)
MBA Building, 1 st Floor
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka


  +880966-911463 EXT- (7840)
Facebook : www.facebook.com/IB_EMBA_DU

Department of International Business

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